Low PIM Measurement
Passive Intermodulation (PIM) is an unwanted frequency mixing caused by the (generally very small) non-linearities present in all passive components. This effect gets even worse through poor design of components, inaccurate manufacturing, defective materials or shabbily processed surfaces. When two or more frequencies are applied simultaneously, new and typically unwanted frequencies are generated. If these frequencies are of sufficient power and fall into the frequency range of the receiving signal, they can significantly disturb the receiver of mobile base stations and negatively impacting the quality of service.
SPINNER long ago recognized that passive intermodulation (PIM) is a problem in mobile communication systems and ever since has made point a point of developing products for this sector that help reduce PIM. We have also created low PIM testing components such as EasyDock Testing Adaptor, Coaxial Cables, Loads, Rotary Joints, Switch Matrices, Adapters, Port Saver and IM Reference Standards. The applicable IEC standard requires their inherent PIM to be 10 dB better than the devices they are used to test. Based on our decades of experience in developing low PIM products, we offer both outstanding testing components and pioneering products that reliably support our customers in automating their test processes.
SPINNER has revolutionized the automation of testing. Our low PIM testing components, such as EasyDock Push-Pull adaptors and Port Saver, are enabling manufacturers to automate processes that used to be done by hand, thus achieving savings of up to 90% of the costs for product testing and qualification.
As a technology leader in this field, we know that one of the most important and challenging targets is to achieve products with extremely low third-order intermodulation (IM3) distortion.
SPINNER RF components meet highest standards
SPINNER applies extremely high standards with regard to quality, engineering, materials and manufacturing e.g. DIN EN ISO 9001 - Quality Management, DIN EN ISO 14001 - Environmental Management and ISO 50001:2011 - Energy Management. This enables us to offer Low PIM measurement components with the best possible performance and lowest possible intermodulation (Low PIM).
If you can’t find your Low PIM measurement component according to your specifications online, please contact our sales team by email with the specification needed or select one of the displayed products for a Quote Request and add your special requirements in the comment field of the form before submitting.